Why Is Lighting In Your Office Important?

Did you know that light can have a serious impact on your work and quality of life? Read this article about why is lighting important in the workplace and how it affects productivity and efficiency. 

What would you rather imagine when you think of your office – a dark and dreary concrete edifice that is dimly lit and filled with cabinets overflowing with paperwork, or a bright and pleasant space that is full of color and vibrance?

We all know the answer to this question! According to a study published by UK company staples, 40% of employees currently struggle to achieve their optimal productivity due to poor lighting while 80% of employees said that it’s important for them to have good lighting in their office.

What if we told you that the single most crucial aspect in creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere for your office is dependent on LIGHTING! Lights and colors play an incredibly important role in human perception and emotion, and the same goes when designing effective and efficient office spaces. Without the right kind of illumination to make your working space lively and energetic, your workforce will suffer from decreased motivation leading to reduced productivity and efficiency in the long run.

How Does Lighting Effect Employees?

Based on significant research and experimentation, colors and lighting have a massive impact on our perception and emotion. When offices invest in creating the right balance of color and lighting, research has shown that employees feel more energetic and are more likely to form a positive relationship in their mind with their working space.  Developing a positive connection with the office is a determining factor when it comes to productivity and employee satisfaction. If you are asking why you should worry about how your employees feel, we would like to introduce you to the 21st century, where employees are considered an asset!  Protecting your assets means providing them with the right working environment that protects their mental and emotional wellbeing and always enables them to deliver their best. When your workforce feels good and happy about their work, they are more likely to deliver meaningful results every day they step into their working shoes.


What Should Businesses Do?

Businesses should focus on creating a bright and well-ventilated ambiance in their offices. This helps keep employees mentally fresh and emotionally motivated. Dark and damp atmospheres have been shown to cause significant anxiety and depression, which is of no benefit to anyone involved.

To keep your workforce energized and charged to achieve the highest productivity and efficiency possible, you must invest in the proper lighting and illumination of your offices. The easiest way to do it is to pick carefully your interior light supplier. A good seller will always offer you to do light calculations before buying lamps. Ensuring the proper amount of lighting leads to more gains in the long run and helps your employees feel happy to come to work every day!
